What a handsome boy!!
Percy came over to our house with his foster dad on Thursday, December 11th & never left. :o) He's a Rottie mix & almost a year & a half old. His puppy-like antics keep Eric & I on our toes & laughing all the time! He & Sophie became friends almost instantly. Having another dog around the house is really helping Sophie emerge from her shell. She is learning from Percy that life isn't so scary and her confidence level has risen tremendously in the few weeks he's been in our home. It's amazing!!
Eric & I would like to give a little shout out to Austin Dog Rescue for allowing us to take Percy into our home. It's been an adventure and a blessing!
Here is their site for anyone looking to adopt: http://austindog.org/
For anyone who doesn't already know, Wallace, my parent's BBD (also pictured/mentioned on here often) came from Austin Dog Rescue. Both Percy and Wallace are living proof that perfectly wonderful dogs are waiting to be adopted from rescue organizations. It makes me sick to think that people are of the opinion that adopting a dog from a shelter or rescue organization is "willingly accepting someone else's problem". These dogs are not problem dogs!! Most of them were just dealt a bum deal through no fault of their own. Huh-hmmm, I'll step down off my soap box now, but seriously ... take a look at shelters and rescues before you run off to the nearest "breeder" for your next dog, okay? That's all I'm gonna say 'bout that....
And welcome to our home, Percy!! We love you and can't wait to see what the years have in store!
Here are some pictures of Sophie & Percy rompin' & stompin' the first week he was here: