Eric was out of town for Valentine's Day, so Sophie & Percy were my Valentines for the weekend. The timing couldn't have been more perfect for Austin Dog Rescue to have a fundraiser ... the perfect solution to keep my mind off the fact that I was Eric-less for the weekend.
Sophie, Percy & I met Susan & Coco at Lofty Dog. After we posed for our pictures we walked down to Jo's & had some yummy coffee. We had a really great time & here are the pics to prove it!! ;oD
Okay ... well, I know Sophie doesn't look like she's having fun here, but she warmed up a little after a while. She doesn't like the whole "professional camera, lights, paper" thing. I think it makes her nervous.
See, this one is better! Still not exactly a happy camper, but she sure is a pretty one! I just love her ears & expressive little face.
And then there's Percy, the happy-go-lucky goofball, willing to take pictures anytime, any place.
He even got excited about the confetti hearts all over the ground. If you look closely at this photo, you can see he has one stuck to the side of his mouth. He's so silly...
Later on at Jo's...
Did somebody say, "COFFEE"?? I love me some coffee!!
Enough with the pictures, okay Mom?
Susan & Coco (it was SO cold outside!)
My BBDs & I
Thanks SO much to Austin Dog Rescue ( for putting the fundraiser together & for all you do to help dogs
in need ...
in need ...

To Ed Lehmann with Fodography ( for donating his talent and time ...

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